Every year we celebrate International Women's Day together with Umbragroup’s employees.
We do it to give continuity to a moment that Valter Baldaccini cared about a lot: Women's Day was for him a special occasion to be together, it was one of those moments of care for the relationship and attention to others that were fundamental for him.
On Women's Day this year, something special happened: the employees asked to forgo the mimosa gift and, instead, donate the amount that would have been allocated for its purchase to the educational project of distance support in Burkina Faso.
Thanks to this important choice, three girls, coming from extremely needy families, will have the opportunity to attend school for a year:
In Burkina Faso there is a widespread situation of extreme poverty and attending school means, in addition to having access to education, the guarantee of at least one hot and complete meal a day. Thanks to all the Women of Umbragroup for having chosen to give the possibility of a better future to these girls.
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