When an Umbragroup employee decides to donate their vacation hours to the Valter Baldaccini Foundation, they are making a gesture of solidarity that goes beyond simply giving up their vacation time. They are asking the company to allocate the economic value of those hours to support social projects that help the vulnerable and struggling people.
Between the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, a group of UMBRAGROUP employees decided to join this noble cause, making a gesture of solidarity that has a significant impact. As has already happened in previous initiatives, including the one promoted by the company soccer team, employees have donated their vacation hours to support charitable causes.
For this reason, we would like to publicly thank Stefano Folignoli, Davide Scerna, Emanuele Goretti, Stefano Toro, Daniele Frillici, Alessio Ruffinelli, Luca Nassuato, Michele Piermatti, Andrea Paoli and Marco Cavanna.
Thank you very much because by donating your vacation hours we now have €4,400 that we have allocated to the project dedicated to underage mothers who live in Mathare, one of the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.
Active since 2021, the social project "A job for the mothers of Mathare" is dedicated to a group of fifteen very young mothers, some of them minors, victims of abuse, violence or forced into prostitution.
Thanks to this project, these young women receive help with shopping, psychological support, and the opportunity to attend a local craft workshop for a year, with the aim of helping them emancipate themselves and improve their social and economic condition.
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