For those who submit their own tax returns in Italy, donations to the Valter Baldaccini Foundation made through a traceable flow enjoy tax benefits.
This includes donations by post or bank transfer, debit cards, credit cards, prepaid cards, bank checks and circulars. Cash donations are NOT deductible or deductible.
To benefit from the benefits, you need to provide your accountant or the CAF, the postal order receipt, the bank accountant for payments made by bank transfer, a copy of the check or the statement of account for payments made by credit card. For those who wish, the Foundation can issue the donation tax receipt.
It is not possible to deduct sums greater than what has actually been donated and overall the different concessional regimes cannot be added together
The disbursement is deductible from income tax, to the extent of 30% of the donation for a total amount not exceeding 30,000 euros (Article 83 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 117/2017).
Alternatively, it is possible to deduct the donation made from the total net income within the limits of 10% of the total declared income. If the deduction exceeds the total net income, the excess can be carried over in subsequent years up to the amount paid, but no later than the fourth year.
Alternatively, it is possible to deduct cash donations from one's income for an amount not exceeding 2% of the total declared income (Article 10, paragraph 1, letter g of Presidential Decree 917/86).
The disbursement is deductible from income within the limits of 10% of the total declared income (83 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 117/2017). If the deduction exceeds the total net income, the excess can be carried over in subsequent years up to the amount paid, but no later than the fourth year.
Or it is possible to deduct cash donations from income for an amount not exceeding 30,000 euros or 2% of declared business income (Article 100, paragraph 2, letter h of Presidential Decree 917/86).
If you make a donation from abroad, the regulations in force in your country are valid.
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