During it’s last two Christmas parties, UMBRAGROUP, has invited its employees and retirees, together with their families, to participate in the celebrations through a small donation to support the social projects of the Valter Baldaccini Foundation.
This year too, the generosity of all the participants at the party was impressive and all the individual small gestures of solidarity have become an important donation of €6,000 that will be entirely allocated to the socio-work integration project “Family and Work”.
This generous donation will go to support Jalil’s job grant that the Valter Baldaccini Foundation has activated in collaboration with the Diocesan Caritas of Perugia.
“Jalil is a young man in prison, who is serving his sentence benefiting from alternative measures to prison – said the President of the Foundation Beatrice Baldaccini. Offering him this concrete possibility of redemption means breaking the dangerous cycle of recidivism and giving prison the meaning it should have: being a place of re-education and social reintegration”.
A heartfelt thanks goes to all the UMBRAGROUP employees who contributed so generously to this initiative and to UMBRAGROUP, which in all its initiatives never loses sight of those who are in difficulty, showing a concrete commitment to the community.
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