We found words of hope in Valter Baldaccini's writings and an invitation to conduct our daily lives by being united and close.
Reading through his speeches and letters addressed to family, friends and employees, we found another important recommendation: harmony and fellowship must spread to all humanity through solidarity.
"A world where love overcomes hatred and the individual becomes aware of being part of the great human family". (Speech for the 2002 Christmas party)
"The world has become a large village, we cannot think only of ourselves, but we must work so that everyone can live in a dignified manner in mutual respect. Nations, people cannot close in on themselves". (Assembly November 19, 2010)
For Valter Baldaccini, helping others was essential. And our neighbor is someone who is close to us every day and perhaps is going through a difficult time, but he can also be someone who lives in the poorest areas of the world, in conditions of extreme economic and social poverty. It is precisely from this deep-rooted value that the Valter Baldaccini Foundation was born along with all the socio-educational and humanitarian projects it carries out.
"We must pay attention not only to our community, but we are part of the human family and we want to give solidarity concreteness". (Assembly of 20 November 2009)
"Solidarity is something that we should all be aware of, it is one of the values that defines who we are and who we will be". (General meeting of January 26, 2011)
Valter Baldaccini identifies two tools that give concreteness to solidarity and peace among peoples: work and prayer.
"Work is a means by which we can experience being part of the great human family. We always work in such a way that our energies, our knowledge and our efforts are directed to building a better world where we and our children and our grandchildren can live in peace". (40th anniversary of Umbra Cuscinetti on September 1, 2012)
"I am convinced that being together in this Church, praying together, we will improve our community, and because our community is a small drop of humanity, we will improve humanity". (Valter's 60th anniversary speech, 10 December 2005 )
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