A chat with Paola Pompei of the Foligno Gazette became an opportunity to talk about the recent "Angel of the Year 2019" award given to the President of the Foundation, Beatrice Baldaccini.
The Angel of the Year Award is given by Emmaus House which operates in the city of Saginaw, Michigan (U.S.A.). It helps women who are victims of abuse, violence and with complex stories of addictions and prison in their past. The recognition is given every year to those who connect with the women of Emmaus House, contribute financially to the organization's activities and create relationships of closeness and help with guests at the house.
For a year, the Valter Baldaccini Foundation has supported the organization with a social and educational project, The Women of Emmaus House, with the aim of helping women start a new life. The project also made possible the birth of a small and motivated group of volunteers who go to Emmaus monthly to cook lunch and to support women in small maintenance jobs.
In the "Foligno Gazette" on newsstands this week you can read a nice interview of our President by Paola Pompei which also tells the story of the Foundation and the project dedicated to women in difficulty at Emmaus House. Enjoy the reading!
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