Following UMBRAGROUP’S recent initiative, today we are extremely happy to announce that COMEAR and BSP have become Azienda Giusta Partners with two important donations to the Valter Baldaccini Foundation program.
“I welcomed with great enthusiasm the ‘Azienda Giusta’ initiative, promoted by the Valter Baldaccini Foundation, and it was a pleasure and an honor to be able to give our contribution - commented Claudio Becchetti, CEO of COMEAR and BSP. The Foundation supports projects of great social relevance, addressing problems in complex geopolitical and social contexts, but also responding to local needs and issues, linked to our territory. COMEAR and BSP are two companies strongly rooted in the territory, for this reason I particularly appreciate the attention that the Foundation also reserves for the local situations where we operate on a daily basis. I will be happy to continue to support the ‘Azienda Giusta’ project and contribute to its growth, offering my support in spreading knowledge and awareness of the charitable activities carried out by the Foundation among my entrepreneurial friends”.
Many thanks to COMEAR, BSP and Claudio Becchetti for having chosen, with such generosity, to support the social projects of the Valter Baldaccini Foundation and thus to give concrete help to families, young people, women, and mothers who are most in difficulty.
We hope that the example of these companies will inspire other businesses that wish to commit and concretely help our territory and the people who live there. In fact, all companies, of all sizes, can sign up to the Azienda Giusta membership program and become instrumental in developing new projects.
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