Operating a socio-educational project in Burkina Faso is complex because the country's political situation is extremely difficult, delicate and fragile.
Between the end of September and the beginning of October 2022 in Burkina there was a second coup d'état which generated a profound sense of insecurity. There has been a growing presence of armed terrorist groups, poverty and resource scarcity due to climate change, the consequences of which are already making themselves felt in some African countries.
To date, the number of internally displaced people in the country exceeds 1.5 million individuals and, according to estimates by the Economic Community of West African States, over 40% of the national territory is outside the State’s control. There are also terrorist attacks on convoys carrying humanitarian aid overland and in the Sahel, the northernmost area of Burkina Faso, people and children are starving.
Foundation’s presence in Burkina Faso
The Foundation is there, and we communicate whenever the internet connection allows us. We speak to Sister Philomène Kiendrebeogo of the Apostle Sisters of the Sacred Heart, our contact person in the area, to make sure that she and the children are well.
What she tells us is that the people who live in the areas most affected by the terrorist attacks are on the run. They run away leaving everything they have and often ask the nuns for help because they are looking for food.
There is a lot of concern, but there is some good news. Thanks to the support and closeness of our donors, a group of boys and girls will be able to attend school in 2023 and be guaranteed a hot meal a day.
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