Our journey continues Among the thoughts of Valter Baldaccini, a column we have featured for several months to discover Valter's values by reading his numerous writings and focusing on some key concepts, which embody his thinking and and give meaning to his actions.
His strong vision recognized the responsibility we must have towards young people and the new generations. This is why it is important to act correctly to protect their future. Valter believed deeply in their future and he was enthusiastic and proud to be able to offer them stability by creating job opportunities.
"With our commitment we have contributed to making work more accessible to someone who was looking for it and could not find it and who, due to lack of work, could suffer an intolerable loss of personal and social identity" (Valter Baldaccini, letter addressed to collaborators , April 1, 1987).
"What greater satisfaction is there than a worker’s experience, knowing that with his own sweat, earning enough to support his family, he gives others the opportunity to look to the future with more peace of mind" (Valter Baldaccini, Christmas greetings, 17 December 1988).
"One of the greatest satisfactions I have felt, and which I still feel, is when a young man says to me: thank you, because by giving me the opportunity to work I was able to plan my future, I started a family and I also had children, for this I thank you" (Valter Baldaccini, general assembly of Umbra Cuscinetti, 16 July 2013).
Creating work opportunities to give autonomy, independence and dignity to the people who need them most is one of the Foundation’s areas of intervention both in our territory and in the world. Concrete examples of this are the work grants which, for the past three years, we have been carrying out together with the Diocesan Caritas of Foligno and Mutanu: the pink garden, the greenhouse in Kenya, is supporting twenty women and their families.
Donate now, choose to give a concrete job opportunity to those who need it most.
The photo is from 1974. Valter Baldaccini, on the left, is struggling with the first machines in the company.
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