Joab Omoto è il referente della Fondazione Valter Baldaccini per il progetto di adozioni a distanza attive in Kenya e in questi giorni ci ha scritto una lettera, nella quale ci racconta come il Kenya sta affrontando l’emergenza Covid-19 e come le famiglie e i bambini seguiti dalla Fondazione Valter Baldaccini vivono queste giornate difficili.
Le scuole e i luoghi di lavoro sono chiusi, il Governo ha istituito il coprifuoco e per molte famiglie è complicato procurarsi il cibo. La speranza è quella che la situazione migliori presto e i bambini possano continuare a costruire il loro futuro con l’aiuto della Fondazione, che non li lascia soli perché ormai siamo una grande famiglia.
Sono 40 i bimbi che grazie al sostegno di tanti donatori hanno la possibilità di accedere a un’istruzione, che altrimenti non si potrebbero permettere. Con una donazione puoi continuare a sostenere i bimbi in Kenya e offrire loro l’opportunità di imparare, dona ora.
Questa è la lettera che Joab ci ha inviato:
Dear friends,
Greetings from Nairobi. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the situation in Kenya at this moment. As of last night (14th April 2020) we had 159 confirmed coronavirus cases and 9 deaths. The number has started to rise and we are worried because our people in the slums have no medical coverage and the environment in which they live it will be a disaster when this virus attacks the slums.
The Valter Baldaccini Foundation family in Kenya is still safe at the moment. The 40 children and their parents/ guardians are fine.
Since the schools were closed down over three weeks ago we are trying to monitor the situation of our children on daily basis. We are a family so there is need of staying together during these difficult moments by checking on each other as much as we can.
My biggest worry is that our children are better off in school than at home because in school they have space to play to learn and they are assured of a meal.
At home the situation is very difficult because the Government has restricted peoples’ movement. We have curfew from 7 pm to 5 am. Many jobs are closed so parents who were getting some casual jobs in order to get their daily bread are now just staying in their small rooms in the slums together with the children. Remember, some families are big, single mothers with 4,5 or even 6 children.
We are praying that the situation improves soon so that these children can go back to school and start building their future. They are full of life and always very grateful for this opportunity that the Foundation has given them.
God bless us all, Joab
P.S. We have been talking and giving the food to the parents. They are happy because we bought them maize flour, sugar, cooking oil and soap for 34 parents. They really have food problems. Please find attached some of the photos of the parents, each package can last them three to four days.
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