The Just are those who distinguished themselves in the course of their lives through high profile compassionate social actions and deeds.
The Gardens of the Righteous are scattered all over the world. They are places of exchange and dialogue where memories of these important people are kept alive. Telling their stories is a powerful educaitonal tool for protecting human dignity, for remembering the mistakes and horrors of our history, and for preventing them from being repeated.
One of these beautiful places is in Trevi. Next March 9th at 10.30 in the San Francesco Museum Church of Trevi, when they celebrate the Day of the Just, Valter Baldaccini will also become part of this place’s memory.
Thanks to the Pro Trevi Association, and particular thanks to Mrs. Damiana Bovo, for having thought about Valter Baldaccini’s candidacy. Thanks to all the 2nd level students of the T. Valenti di Trevi Comprehensive Institute for choosing to adopt it.
We are truly honored and proud of this important recognition.
In the photographs, Damiana Bovo, who worked alongside Valter Baldaccini for 38 years, while telling the 2A students about Valter.