October 25th, Beatrice Baldaccini, President of the Valter Baldaccini Foundation, officially made a scholarship donation of €15.000 to the Sophia Foundation.
The project aims to contribute to the educational path of two deserving students who would not have been able to continue their studies due to economic difficulties. The two students will acquire knowledge about social economics that will enable them to operate in the labor market with enriched human and cultural awareness.
The two young winners said:
Juan Pablo Bueno Hernandez, from Mexico, mechanical engineer:
“Accostemed to working for large companies during the years of work, I have learned many things, but I felt the need to deepen the human aspect of work that is often not valued. It seems that everything must be measured by numbers. The is why I decided to learn more about the economic and managerial aspects, to try to get at the root of these disciplines.n the “Economics of Community” at the University of Sofia Institute I found the answer I was looking for: A way to learn about a new work culture that is not baed solely on theory, but also takes people’s social life into account.”
Askharon Mena Yousef Fahiem, from Egypt, petrolium engineer:
“After teaching for a few years, I started working on a petroleum platform. Last year I got to visit Loppiaoa and get to know Sophia. Returning home, at work, I began to profoundly wonder what I was doing. For me, the sole purpose of work was subsistence. I didn’t think that what I did at work could have a different value. It sparked a need from within to do something more than “work to live”. Consequently I decided to come to Sophia to study Economics and Management.To me, these disciplines seem to be a second leg for those who work.The economic dynamics carry significant weight, especially in the oil sector. I chose Sophia because here I can grow not only from an academic point of view, but also personally, investing in the values that count the most in my life.” I hope that Sophia gives meaning, gives value to my existence and to what I can do for others.
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