Hope, the invitation to stay united, solidarity, peace, commitment to the community and the centrality of the person in work are Valter Baldaccini’s principles we have come to know in recent months through his writings. All these values have a common denominator: faith.
Valter's whole life was guided by this gift, which he welcomed and made concrete from his youth. He never hid his relationship with Jesus which is very present in his writings. Several times he proudly declared the roots from which his private and professional lives grew were based on this relationship.
“The spirit of Umbra Cuscinetti was not born by chance. I am aware that I have played a big role and I want to share with you what made my behaviors natural. As a young man I made a conscious and hard-fought act of faith, and I discovered the greatest commandment of Christianity "love God and your neighbor as yourself". The next for me were my fellow students, my teammates, even the opponents who were always to be respected, family, friends, but also those who thought differently. With this belief in the world of work, it was natural to see colleagues as my neighbor to love" (Valter Baldaccini, Umbra Cuscinetti assembly, 16 July 2013).
Keeping faith with these principles Valter built his entrepreneurial and successful career, managing with simplicity and humanity to create a great company founded on Christian values. In every aspect of his life he solidified the evangelical teaching of the gratuitousness of love, a commandment for which he always felt at the service of his neighbor, whether it was a friend, a family member, a colleague or a person born in the poorest areas of the world.
"My behaviors flow within two tracks: treating others as you would like to be treated and understanding that having more responsibility means being more ready to put yourself at the service of others and not the other way around. Principles that come from the Christian faith" (Valter Baldaccini, Christmas greetings, December 16, 2012).
Valter tried to embody the Gospel, combining his professional talents with those of humanity and solidarity. He was a courageous businessman guided by Christian values and he made a bet: you can do business within Christian values, combining economic growth with social and ethical growth, working for the common good and with a spirit of service to your community.
"In the future, we must face global challenges with passion, attachment and commitment and thus guarantee our work is consistent with the guidelines we have set for ourselves. First of all, respect for each person, a value that has Christian origins: love your neighbor as yourself as Jesus did consistently until he died. Among us there are those who believe deeply and those who do not but I think we are all convinced that only with true respect for others can we create a better world" (Valter Baldaccini, address during the Easter blessing, April 2, 2007).
In the section Among the thoughts of Valter Baldaccini you will find all the themes that we have found in his writings and speeches and which we have reread and shared with you with pleasure in recent months.
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